Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Day 7 - First Zero Day

We are staying at Cloud Nine another night. I bought plenty of pop tarts, snickers, peanut M&Ms, and orange juice for Sonic. I'm going to forget the nutrients for a while, and go with pure calories.

It was another very cold night, but its a sunny morning. The heat in the trailer we are sharing with an older couple turned itself off. I can not figure out how to turn it on so I'm staying in my sleeping bag until somone else wakes up who can turn the heat on.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Interestingly enough, on the Cloud 9 Hostle website, it says that by the time you get to Dick's Gap, "its time for a zero day"....in fact, they suggest that you should do one zero day per week on the trail....do you think you will adhear to that from here out?
