Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Day 62 - Big Meadows (June 9)

I was up early and did 30 miles before 5:00 PM. The terrain was a little more difficult today than yesterday. I'm at the Big Meadows area about half way through the park.

I met a ridge runner this morning, and relayed my concerns about Torch. What's really sad is Torch needs a friend. He may start to work through his issues if he had a friend. The problem is any potential friend risks having his skull cracked open for the slightest perceived insult. I don't think Torch has hurt anyone yet, but he really wants to hurt those that insult him. I don't know how long his self control will last.

The ridge runner said they just kicked Maple Cheese out of the park yesterday. He said they get two or three like Torch every year. He said the AT community is good about watching these people, which I think is true.

Its been hot, but it doesn't seem overly hot. We are about 1,000 to 2,000 feet above the valley, which means it will be about 5 to 10 degrees cooler.

I hear a lot of people are leaving the trail in Harpers Ferry due to the heat and bugs. I have no idea who is on or off the trail. I'm hoping to be in Harpers Ferry by the end of the week.

Drunken Dragon, a section hiker I met at Calf Mountain shelter, bought me a six pack of really good beers this afternoon. I really did not want him to buy me beers, but he insisted. Being a thru hiker, many people really admire us, most ignore us, and some hate us. I think its similar to being a professional athlete. Those that understand what we are doing and what we have done, really respect us.

The trail has changed us all. I can tell the thru hikers just by sight now. I don't know what it is, but we are different than other people. We have learned to travel with confidence. Most of us are traveling alone. We can recognize each other even in crowds of non thru hikers.

I crossed the 900 mile mark today. This still does not seem like a great distance. Two months ago, I would have thought that this distance was great. Harpers Ferry is just over 1,000 miles. That will be the first 1,000 miles. I think that will feel like a milestone.

I'm camping with South Paw, Bear Puncher (a section hiker), and Bilge Rat at the Big Meadows campground. It is costing me 5 dollars. I met South Paw at the Dutch Haus. I experienced Bilge Rat's trail magic a few days ago. I just met Bear Puncher. She told me she was diagnosed with MS about a year ago. She said she weighed 240 pounds and smoked 1.5 packs of cigarettes per day. She gave up the smokes and started exercising. She seems to be in good shape. The MS is not progressing very fast.

I'm in with folks that started the trail in mid March. I'm earning the name Rabbit. Che is the only one I know in front of me, and he has to finish the first week in August. He is hiking with Fred and Closeline. Fred is supposed to be super fast, but they have stayed just two days ahead even after my 7 miles in two days. I am not pushing myself. I just like to get up early and walk.

1 comment:

pbowyer said...

Joe...what or who are ridgerunners? How can the kick someone off the trail? rangers?