Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Day 64 - Leaving Shenadoah (June 11)

I made it to the Tom Floyd shelter after a 23 mile day. What's interesting is this is the very first place I camped on the AT. I did a practice hike two years ago, and spent my first night at a camp site by this shelter. I had done other backpacking trips, but nothing on the AT.

The AT is different than any other trail I've ever done. I had never done a trail with shelters before. I remember trying to find my way up a blue blazed trail to get on the AT. It was very difficult. The blue blazes went along streets and near people's houses. I had a hard time following it. I always have a hard time following the trail along roads.

Once I found the AT, I was totally alone. The woods were dark and dense. There were no one else around. I worried about being able to follow the trail.

I camped alone several nights that trip. Those nights were lonely. However, I met a ridge runner who told me about some of his experiences on the trail. I met a few section hikes, and I met one very late thru hiker. I learned from all of these people. Now I'm back helping other people get started. Now section hikers are buying me beers, and everyone I meet wants to know about my trip and why I'm out here.

I started the morning hiking with Always Fine who is a retired postal worker. He will be leaving the trail soon. He's hiked the entire trial in sections. He said he fulfilled all of his goals, and he is ready to go home and sip home made wine. Always Fine saw four bears before I joined him. He said two were cubs up in trees.

I had lunch with about 10 other hikers at Skyland. Barackus and a woman whose name I do not know were the only ones who made it to the shelter. There was one other hiker who came in at 3:30 AM. He was in his sleeping bag so I did not see him.

Always Fine told me about Warren Doyle who is working on his 15th end to end hike. He does thru hiking slack packs of the entire trail in 100 days. You do not carry a full pack, but you are commited to a tight schedule, and you will be left behind if you do not finish your day hike on time.

I found out yesterday that Bear Puncher really did punch a bear. She said that she was sleeping in her tent years ago with her 4 year old daughter when a bear poked his nose in. She said she thought it was a dog and punched it. She said she was immediately scared when she realized what she did, but the bear did not poke his nose in again.

I see little politics, but I'm disappointed with George. He is spending trillions to hunt down and stop Evil Doers, and there is a whole nest of Evil Doers at the Elkwallow Wayside right in the park. I bought a combo meal for nearly 10 dollars, and they would not give me a refill on my soda. If that is not antiamerican, than nothing is.

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