Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Day 69 - Double Zeroing in Harpers Ferry (June 16)

I started the morning walking back into Harpers Ferry, which allowed me to determine if my new pack would be ok with weight. The walk in was nice. I have my voice back, and only a slight sore throat. However, I've been coughing more.

Staying in Harpers Ferry was a hard decision. I finally decided that I could use another day of rest to let the antibiotics kick in. Harpers Ferry is an incredibly cool town especially for a geologist. The town looks to be carved into the rock, but it actually is mostly made of native stone. There is a lot to see. Its one of the few places I don't mind zeroing.

I will be back on the trail tomorrow, and will be in Maryland early morning. I should be crossing the Mason Dixon line the following day.

South Paw is here tonight. I last saw him at the Bear's Den. He zeroed at the Blackburn Center to wait for a package. I met Brown Bag here for the first time and a retired man whose name I did not get who hiked at least from Damascus. Brown Bag told me there is a young couple whom I've met before that are geologists from Ohio. Kyanite is one of there names. I do not remember the other name.

The retired man who is getting off the trail said he was enjoying himself less than he was enjoying himself. He said his impression of most of those who are staying past Harpers Ferry are staying just to finish the trail. He might be right. Although, I'm feeling pretty good, and I'm sure there are plenty of others like me.

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