Sunday, August 3, 2008

Day 116 - Mahoosuc Notch (August 2)

This was possibly the hardest day of the entire trip. I started at Carlos Col shelter. The trail went up and over mountains with no attempt at making any switchbacks or even finding a walkable route. I was going very slow watching my step, but even then I kept falling. I fell twice hard enough to break something. I also slipped off a boardwalk knee deep into a bog. Everything was mucky and muddy.

The Mahoosuc Notch was as hard as its reputation. It is a jumble of boulders that you have to climb over, squeeze through, and climb around. There were several times I had to take my pack off to get through a tight crack or hole.

The climb out of Mahoosuc Notch was very difficult. The climb went straight up over very slippery rocks.

There were times today that I did not know if I could go on much longer. I kept thinking about having to do this for the next 100 miles. There is really nothing I can do except to keep going and hope nothing breaks.

The trail got much better after Speck Pond. It looks like this section is maintained by the Maine Appalacian Trail Club. I hope they continue their good work for the next 100 miles. I'm at the Baldpate Lean-to tonight.

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