Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Baby Bear's Pack Weight

Baby Bear (a.k.a. Squiggly Snake) has all of her stuff except for a nice soft and light weight ground pad that her mom ordered for her yesterday. We need a scale to weigh her pack, but we were guessing that it will weigh about 10 to 12 pounds without food or water. I'm still hoping that she will carry the metal chair that I picked out and looked so comfortable. I need a chair when sitting around the fire at night.

We also learned how to use algebra to calculate the weight of water in water bottles and the number of calories per pound of snickers bars. We even applied some logic in an attempt to substitute snickers for vegitables at dinner. We decided that food with lots of calories per pound is better than food with fewer calories per pound, and that snickers have more calories per pound than vegitables. Therefore, snickers is a better food than vegitables. However, Baby Bear's Momma Bear was too clever. She countered our arguements using the nutrient label of the vegitable bag. She believes food with more nutrients and less calories is better than food with fewer nutrients and more calories.


Tadpole said...

Snickers have nutritional content - they have peanuts, which are a lean protein...

Joe said...

I know, I was surprised at how many nutrients were in snickers bars. We calculated that they have 2,333 calories per pound, and instant oatmeal has 1,800 calories per pound.

Baby Bear's Momma Bear said...

Okay, so Snickers would be a nutritious snack for the AT with lots of protein and calories. Even so, Baby Bear will not be replacing her daily vegetables with Snickers bars. Sorry, Rabbit. Nice try!

Hotdogs said...

That's funny because he told me that he was only bringing raw tofu for all meals. Baby bear, I hope you like uncooked plain tofu. yummmy! umm good. Maybe you can gather your own alfa sprouts and cook them on a stick over the fire. I hear grass tastes good, oh and there's always earthworms. oh yeah!!!