Monday, March 3, 2008

Returning to civilization

Four and a half months of hiking the Apalachian Trail sounds too challenging of the likes of an ambling bastard such as me but I'm sure you are up to it. However, before you get too full of yourself and your anticipated accomplishment I'd like to remind you of Shoichi Yokoi. Shoichi spent three decades hiding out in the jungle on Guam after the end of WW II. He was finally caught in the mid 1970's and eventually returned to Japan as a local celebrity. What did Shoichi have to say about his ordeal on Guam? "It is with much embarrassment that I have returned alive."

I am confident that your adventure will only scrape the surface when compared to Shoichi's but I am also sure that it you'll find the adventure much more enjoyable and satisfying as well. I hope you will not be too embarrassed when you return alive and well.

1 comment:

Joe said...

You seem to have more confidence in me than I do. All I know is that I want to hike the trail to see what it's like. I have absolutely no idea how it will work out. I don't know if I can do it. However, in the end, I know I will feel good knowing I tried.