Monday, March 31, 2008

Pack Weight

It looks like the final weight of my pack will be about 18 pounds without food or water. I put everything in it last night. That weight includes a notebook, maps, and a book on botany. I still may be able to reduce the weight slightly by getting another fuel bottle and replacing my nalgene water bottles with something lighter. I will be able to further reduce that weight when I ship home my cold weather gear.

The weight of my pack will be exceptionally heavy the first 10 days when I hike with my 13 year old neice, Baby Bear. I will have a heavier tent and I will have to carry her food. I do not want her pack weight over the 12 to 14 pounds we estimate it at now. I'm guessing this could bring my pack weight to about 35 or 40 pounds. We will go slow while we get in shape.

1 comment:

Hotdogs said...

I thought the point of the trip was to see how far you can carry lots of heavy stuff, not just how far you can walk. Perhaps you should bring your guitar and boom box.