Saturday, April 12, 2008

Cool Tree

We are both kind of tired today after pushing it so far yesterday. We are nearing Low Gap shelter where we will spend the night. It will be our second double digit day in a row. I suspect we will start getting our trail legs soon.

1 comment:

Baby Bear's Momma Bear said...

Way to go, Rabbit and Sonic (A.K.A. Baby Bear)!

I am surprised you made it that far today after such a long day of poker, opps...I mean hiking yesterday.

I thought you would have stopped at Whitley Gap Shelter. According to my map, you are 41.1 miles from Springer Mountain.

Sonic, only 61.7 miles to go. Rabbit, only 2133.9 more miles until the end.

Parsons, are you moving Joe along the wall map? Did anyone lose the Appalachain Death March office pool yet?